This audio originally provided by a WV SORO member

January 11, 2009

Audio from the January 11 Legislative Meeting on Surface Owners' Rights

The audio begins with committee staff explaining two proposed bills (our proposed Surface Owners' Bill of Rights and a "committee " bill modeled after legislation passed recently in New Mexico) and responding to questions from committee members. After this "introduction," WV SORO members Jim Farrell, Nancy Powers, Chris Opitz, Judy Good, John Snyder and Bart Garrett sharing their stories.  Finally, Phil Reale gives a presentation on behalf of the oil & gas industry and the meeting ends with some discussion. 

Click on a link to play the audio, or right click on a link and choose "save target as" to download and save the mp3 file (or "save link as" if using firefox):

We have sub divided the audio into segments:

  1. Introduction (34:30, 6mb)
  2. Surface Owner’s Stories (25:42, 4.5mb)
  3. Oil & Gas Indusry (30:56, 5.4mb)
  4. Legislative Discussion (14:53, 2.6mb)

West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization
1500 Dixie Street, Charleston, West Virginia 25311