WV SORO Update Archive

July 3, 2008

Meetings Next Week in Ritchie, Randolph & Hardy Counties

Thursday, July 10, 2008 ~ WV SORO Regional Meeting in Ritchie County
6PM to 8PM, Pennsboro Women's Club, 303 Masonic Avenue, Pennsboro, WV
The meeting will focus on surface owners' rights and legislative options for expanding surface owner protections in West Virginia.
For more information contact Sharon Marshok at (304)-623-1245 or smarshok@msn.com or Nancy Powers at (304) 623-0482 or Nancypsalem@aol.com

Friday, July 11, 2008 ~ WV Farm Bureau & WV SORO Informational Meeting on Surface Owners’ Rights
6:30PM, Holiday Inn Express, Elkins, WV
(Behind the GoMart at the intersection of Rt. 33, 219, 220 and 250. >From intersection go west on 11th Street to South Railroad Avenue and turn left.)
The meeting will focus on surface owner rights, with a shorter presentation on leasing. A lawyer and an experienced mineral owner/well operator will make presentations, with a question and answer period to follow.
For more information contact Julie Archer at (304) 346-5891 or julie@wvsoro.org or Jamie Kinsey at at 304) 472-2080 ext. 301 or jamiek@wvfarm.org

Saturday, July 12, 2008 ~ WV Farm Bureau & WV SORO Informational Meeting on Oil & Gas Leasing
10AM, Hardy County Public Library, 102 North Main Street, Moorefield, WV
The meeting will be primarily about leasing issues with a slide presentation of well sites during the drilling process.  The leasing presentation will provide mineral owners with information on bad provisions in leases and discuss additional surface owner protections that landowners can insist on before signing a lease.
For more information contact Julie Archer at (304) 346-5891 or julie@wvsoro.org or Jamie Kinsey at at 304) 472-2080 ext. 301 or jamiek@wvfarm.org

Special thanks to Senator Clark Barnes (R-Randolph) for helping arranging meeting facilities for the Elkins and Moorefield meetings. 

West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization
1500 Dixie Street, Charleston, West Virginia 25311