Responses to 2008 Candidate & Officeholder Questionnaire

In April, WV SORO mailed a questionnaire to current statewide officeholders, legislators and candidates asking their position on issues addressed in the Surface Owners' Bill of Rights. We asked both candidates and officeholders if they would vote to support and/or be willing to co-sponsor legislation that would do the following:

    1)    Require landowner notice before the driller or surveyor comes onto property.

    2)    Require notice and a face-to-face meeting between the operator and the landowner before the permit application is filed.

    3)    Require negotiation or mediation to give surface owner input in planning and executing well site(s) and access road locations, gating, construction, and maintenance.

    4)    Allow the surface owner to determine road locations.

    5)    Allow the surface owner to choose vegetation replacement type.

    6)    Value the land taken at market value, not the value of its current use.

    7)    Provide compensation for total value of the surface owner’s losses including roads, well site(s), and pipelines and value of adjacent lands.

    8)    Require the operator to offer the surface owner residential gas service, at cost, from the wells or gathering lines on their land.

In addition, we asked WV SORO members to provide questionnaires to their county commissioners and commission candidates asking if they support these eight issues.

We want our members to know how elected officials and candidates stand on these issues. Below is a summary of the responses received.  Since we don’t endorse candidates, this list is not intended to be an endorsement. A variety of issues should be considered when deciding whom to vote for.  Also don’t assume the lack of a response from a candidate or officeholder as not supporting our efforts. We didn’t hear from several legislators who were either sponsors of the Surface Owners’ Bill of Rights or helpful in during the 2008 legislative session.  Call them up to see where they stand and while you’re speaking tell them why we need a Surface Owners’ Bill of Rights! (Please refer to our March/April newsletter for a complete list of sponsors and helpful legislators.)

Statewide Candidate & Officeholder Responses

State Senate Candidate & Officeholder Responses

House of Delegates Candidates & Officeholder Responses

County Commissioner & Commission Candidate Responses

Related Links:

Interactive State Senate and House of Delegate district maps that link to information about current officeholders.

The Charleston Gazette's Election Central - (Includes interactive district maps showing candidates in the primary election.)

Sample ballots and county candidate lists from the WV Secretary of State's Office

Project Vote Smart - (Candidates' and elected officials' issue positions, voting records, campaign finances and more.)

National Institute on Money in State Politics – (Resource for information on money in state politics.)

Additional voter resources from the WV Secretary of State's Office

If you have questions or would like additional information call us at (304) 346-5891.

West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization
1500 Dixie Street, Charleston, West Virginia 25311