May 14, 2008

Statewide PA TV call-in program looks at natural gas rush in Pennsylvania

With residents across the state asking questions about the Marcellus Shale formation, natural gas exploration, mineral rights leasing and a number of other associated issues, WPSU-TV is responding with a one-hour live call-in program. At 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, WPSU-TV in central Pennsylvania will present "Pennsylvania's Gas Rush." This live call-in program will also be simulcast statewide on The Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN) and Web cast via

Residents with questions can call-in during the live broadcast or submit them online from 7-8 p.m. This program will offer objective and reliable advice for Pennsylvanians about the drilling and exploration development on leased land, the process of negotiating with gas companies, signing leases and creating addenda, as well as information about financial, environmental and infrastructure impacts.

Hosted by Patty Satalia, the one-hour program will explore the natural gas issues with an expert panel including a lawyer specializing in mineral right leases and addenda; a representative from Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection, focusing on environmental concerns in the state; an educator from Penn State's cooperative extension, well versed in many of the specific issues of the exploration process; and a gas industry representative.

A phone bank of non-biased experts will also be on hand during the program to take calls from viewers and answer questions. Questions can also be submitted online at

While geologists and gas companies have long known that natural gas exists about 6,000 feet deep in Pennsylvania's shale, it has not been accessible until now. With discoveries of new drilling technology and rising prices of fossil fuels, the natural gas rush in Pennsylvania is unfolding. This natural gas has the potential to fuel the entire country for two full years.

Topics covered in the program will include legal issues and ramifications for landowners, the drilling and exploration process, and water quality and environmental impact.

WPSU serves central Pennsylvania with programming, educational services and community outreach. The public media service produces, acquires and distributes programs that address local interests and reflect the diverse cultural, political, geographic and demographic characteristics of an audience within central Pennsylvania.

West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization
1500 Dixie Street, Charleston, West Virginia 25311