January 13, 2009

The follow is a press release issued by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection:

DEP Releases Marcellus Shale Industry Guidance

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has released a guidance document and permit addendum designed to better manage water use and disposal by the oil and gas industry when drilling in the Marcellus Shale formation.

The document was created by the Office of Oil and Gas and the Division of Water and Waste Management at the request of Cabinet Secretary Randy C. Huffman. Because of the public interest in the industry practice, the agency sought public comment on the guidance, even though it is not required to do so for such a document.

The document addresses the need for well operators to be diligent about protecting the state's waters. It also includes a copy of an addendum that is now part of the permit application.

In addition, the document directs well operators to a guidance tool on the DEP's website to be used to determine whether a body of water can sustain the proposed withdrawal.

The guidance document and addendum can be found on the DEP's website.

West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization
1500 Dixie Street, Charleston, West Virginia 25311