WV SORO Update Archive

February 23, 2011

Quick Update on Today's Action; Keep Those Calls and E-Mails Coming

Despite the dim prospects reported this morning in the Charleston Daily Mail, the Marcellus Shale legislation is still alive.  The full House Judiciary Committee did not take up the bill this afternoon. However, the subcommittee reconvened and adopted several more strengthening amendments, and the bill is on the House Judiciary Committee agenda for tomorrow morning's meeting. 

If you haven't already, please call or e-mail House Judiciary Committee members right away and urge them to pass a strong Marcellus Shale bill. See our previous alert for contact information.

Some of you who are on other lists will have heard about a bill moving from the Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining Committee (EIM). This bill could start moving later, but for now we want to concentrate on the House bill. We have more friends in the House, and a strong showing there will put us in better position when (or if) one or more bills pass and the House and Senate reconcile the final product. If one of your senators is on EIM, feel free to call, but contact delegates first.

Thank you!

West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization
1500 Dixie Street, Charleston, West Virginia 25311