February 28, 2011
Urge Delegates to Support HB 2878
Please contact your representative(s) in the House of Delegates and urge passage of HB 2878 regulating Marcellus Shale and other gas well drilling. Although the bill addresses some of our concerns but not others, it must pass the House by Wednesday to remain active this session. The goal is to keep the discussion about problems related Marcellus Shale and other gas well drilling alive and work to improve the bill over the next two weeks. Currently, the House bill is stronger and its passage will put us in better position when the House and Senate reconcile the final product.
Please call or e-mail delegates and urge them to support the bill. (If you can do it, calling
is more effective than emailing.) Click here to find contact information for your delegate(s).
Your support is crucial to making regulation of Marcellus Shale and other gas well drilling a reality.
Please contact your delegates now.
Thank you!