July 18, 2014
Mark Your Calendars: WV-SORO Membership Meeting, August 23
Please mark your calendars for WV-SORO's upcoming membership meeting. The meeting will be Saturday, August 23 at Salem International University in Salem from 10AM-4PM, followed by a public screening of "Triple Divide" at 5PM. Lunch will be provided.
We are still working on the agenda but the goals and objectives of the meeting are:
1) Solicit input from SORO members on organizational focus/priorities.
We are entering our 7th year. A lot has changes since SORO was formed in 2007. We have tried to be adaptable and respond as issues come up -- but there are so many issues. We want to know what issues to prioritize and how we can be more effective.
2) Educate SORO members on current issues of concern.
Pipelines are a major issue right now, with three proposed gas transmission lines crossing the state, not to mention various other projects planned or in the works for gathering lines, as well as lines for transporting water and waste water. Who has oversight/control over these lines? What to do about right-of-ways? What comes next? (Compressor stations, more drilling etc.) With this in mind we are starting to put together a panel on pipeline issues with folks from various state and federal agencies -- DEP, PSC, FERC -- to answer some of these important questions.
More details coming soon. In the meantime, please save the date and plan to join us on August 23.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Workshops on Understanding Renegotiation and Renewal of Natural Gas Leases, July 22 & July 24
Sponsored by: WVU Extension Service Natural Gas Education Team
Presenter: Eric Gordon of Berry, Kessler, Crutchfield, Taylor and Gordon, Attorneys at Law
Tuesday, July 22 in Wheeling, WV
Thursday, July 24 in West Union, WV
Both Workshops begin at 6:00 PM
For program schedule and directions click here.
For more information, contact Georgette Plaugher, WVU Extension Service Natural Gas Team Coordinator at 304-329-1391 or via e-mail Georgy.Plaugher@mail.wvu.edu.