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Guide Summary: I just got a notice of a driller’s application for a permit to drill a well on my land. What should I do?
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO November 23, 2007
This happens when you own the surface, but someone else owns the minerals, and the mineral owners has signed a lease with a gas driller. (Or it could also mean that even though you own the minerals with your surface, you or someone who owned the minerals before you, signed a lease with a driller. More
How a Gas Well Is Drilled Down Into the Ground, and What Can Go Wrong
Resource Gallery WVSORO October 25, 2007
Emphasis will be on the measures the driller is required by the State to take to prevent pollution of groundwater or damage to other underground resources More
Issues: Drilling wasteOil and GasPollution
Example of Gas Well Drilling, Beginning to End
Resource Gallery WVSORO October 24, 2007
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New State-Wide Organization Formed to Protect Landowner’s Rights
Press Release WVSORO October 10, 2007
West Virginia landowners now have a new organization focused on protecting them from abuses by oil & gas drillers – the WV Surface Owner’s Rights Organization (WV-SORO). More
Issues: LeasingMinerals-RoyaltiesOil and GasPoolingWell Spacing
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