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Governor’s Appointment to Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Blasted
Press ReleaseUpdates and Alerts Kayla Young October 29, 2019
A representatives of surface owners and mineral owners today blasted the Governor for appointing a long time leading oil and gas industry member, a person who is still a consultant and expert witness for the industry, to the seat designated for the public on the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.  More
Orphaned Wells: The Widespread Problem and the Potential Solutions
Advice Kayla Young October 10, 2019
WVSORO believes that the most widespread property rights and pollution issue in West Virginia is orphaned oil and gas wells. There are 4,500 already on property owners across the State. We predict another 10,000 in 30 years. The Legislature needs to take action. More
Issues: Orphaned wells
If You Get an EQT Class Action Benefit Notice, Do Not Sign for the “Optional Pooling Benefits!”
AdviceUpdates and Alerts Kayla Young October 7, 2019
9500 people are getting a "Tawney [Non-]Compliant Flat Rate Claim Form and Benefit Notice" regarding the settlement of the royalty class action case of Kay Co., v. EQT Production Co. If you got that, WVSORO recommends that you DO NOT SIGN ON PAGE THREE for the optional pooling benefits provided in section "B" beginning on page 2 for leases in Wetzel, Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Marshall, Monongalia, Ritchie, Taylor and Tyler Counties. More
The Provisions Needed by Surface Owners In Surface Use Agreements
Advice Kayla Young August 26, 2019
This page on our website has been updated to include the effect of a recent West Virginia Supreme Court case that in essence says that surface owners’ agreement is needed for the placement of well sites for horizontal wells on their land. In particular the updated page links to advice to surface owners who might agree to use of their land for the right price and with the right protections. More
Updates from WV-SORO!
Updates and Alerts Kayla Young August 15, 2019
We've got quite a few updates for you!  More
Issues: Horizontal wellsWell pads
WVSORO files comment on PSC investigation into gas supplies for residential field taps on transmission lines
NewsUpdates and Alerts Kayla Young August 5, 2019
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Help us with suggestions for, and experiences with, surface use agreements.
NewsUpdates and Alerts Kayla Young August 4, 2019
With the Crowder case finally decided in favor of surface owners by the West Virginia Supreme Court, surface owners can now (with rare exceptions) refuse to allow their surface to be used for a well pad for horizontal wells. Let us know what you'd like to see in a Surface Owners Agreement. More
Information on the Marcellus Shale
Blog WVSORO August 4, 2019
Numerous links to resources for information on the Marcellus Shale More
Issues: LeasingMarcellus shaleOil and Gas
WVSORO Legislation Presentation This Monday & Documentary Premiere on WV Surface Owners
Updates and Alerts Kayla Young July 17, 2019
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CBS/ProPublica documentary records surface owners’ W.Va. Supreme Court victory!
NewsUpdates and Alerts Kayla Young July 14, 2019
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Issues: Oil and GasWell pads
Why Multiple Horizontal Wells from centralized well pads should be used for the Marcellus Shale
AdviceBlogLeasing / Amendment Advice WVSORO July 8, 2019
The Marcellus Shale is the newest “play” in gas drilling in West Virginia and other states in the East. It is different from other plays in that it produces much more gas, and is under much more area (as explained below) than previous plays. More
Issues: Horizontal wellsLeasingMarcellus shale
WV Surface Owners WIN BIG!
NewsUpdates and Alerts Kayla Young June 18, 2019
In a UNANIMOUS decision by the West Virginia Supreme Court on June 5 regarding Crowder & Wentz v. EQT Production, the court agreed that drillers and mineral owners have no right to use a surface owner’s land for well pads or roads etc. to develop minerals under neighboring mineral properties that do not underlie the surface owner’s land without the surface owner’s express permission. The Supreme court upheld the ruling previously made by Doddridge County Circuit Court, in a battle that we have been fighting for the past eight years. More
Issues: FrackingHorizontal wellsMarcellus shaleOil and GasWell pads
You now CAN block a horizontal well pad from being placed on your land
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO June 5, 2019
If you own the surface and the minerals, and in particular any of the coal, then owning the coal will work for you to block them from using your land for a well pad that will contains several horizontal wells. More
Issues: FloodplainsHorizontal wells
Surface Owners’ Rights Organization Renews Request to Governor To Put Well Plugging Money Bill on Special Session Call
Press Release WVSORO May 14, 2019
Three bills were alive on the last day of the Legislative Regular Session that would have provided money to begin plugging orphaned gas wells. Two, SB 665 and HB 2779, would together have paid to plug maybe 100 orphaned wells a year died unexpectedly. One bill, HB 2673, that might have plugged 60 orphaned wells a year did pass. However, it was unexpectedly vetoed by the Governor. That bill was reported to be vetoed for technical reasons. Putting an improved version of the vetoed plugging money bill on the special session call is an important first step to addressing the problem of these wells that pollute groundwater and surface and devalue innocent surface owners' lands. We ask the Governor to do so. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsLegislationOrphaned wellsPollutionReclamation fundWater
WVSORO To Be Present to Answer Questions About Selling Surface Etc. during a NARO Town Hall Meeting on Buying & Selling Minerals
Updates and Alerts Kayla Young May 3, 2019
The National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO) is having a town hall meeting on the buying and selling of minerals at the Doddridge County Park in West Union, WV, on May 16, 2019 from 6 to 8 p.m. More
Issues: Minerals-Royalties
Legislative Update 2019: What Happened & What’s Next
Updates and Alerts WVSORO April 15, 2019
In the end there was lots to be disappointed about. No bill moved that would have prevented more wells from becoming orphaned. On the other hand, thanks in parts to the contacts some of you made when we asked you, we may get some money from at least one bill to start plugging wells and putting a dent into the existing problem. Importantly we did enormous consciousness raising causing on the orphaned well issue. We may yet get something this year. And with your help and support, we can do even better next year, not just on orphaned wells, but on pipelines, and on reunification, and on surface owner protections. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsDEPHorizontal wellsLegislationMarcellus shaleOil and GasOrphaned wellsReclamation fund
Help Prevent One of the Most (If Not the Most) Widespread Environmental & Property Rights Disasters in WV
Updates and Alerts WVSORO February 15, 2019
One of, if not the most, widespread environmental and property rights disasters ever is now unfolding in West Virginia!  WV-SORO needs your help to hold drillers responsible and keep this from happening. Please contact your Senators and Delegate(s) and tell them to support a strong Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act (SB 576 & HB 3065). More
Issues: Abandoned wellsLegislationOil and GasOrphaned wellsWater
Legislation Introduced To Stop More Wells from Being Orphaned By Diversified, Other Drillers
Press Release WVSORO February 12, 2019
The “Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act” was introduced on this week on behalf of the West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization (WV-SORO). The legislation would require what are calling “plugging assurance” in order to prevent more oil and gas wells from being orphaned. Many drillers have already gone out of business leaving more than 4,500 wells orphaned with no driller to plug them, and the orphaned well crisis continue to grow unless the Legislature takes action. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsOrphaned wellsPollutionWater
Report: WV Shale Development Falls Short of Economic Promise
Blog WVSORO February 7, 2019
A new report from the WV Center on Budget and Policy has found that the nearly six-fold increase in West Virginia’s natural gas production in the last decade, due largely to shale development, or fracking, has fallen short of expectations for economic growth, job creation, and tax revenue generation.  More
Issues: FrackingHorizontal wellsMarcellus shale
Plugging Assurance Legislation Needed to Stop More Wells from Being Orphaned by Diversified and Other Drillers
Press Release WVSORO January 18, 2019
One of the most widespread environmental and property rights disasters ever is now unfolding because West Virginia law allows drillers’ to use “blanket” performance bonds. It’s time for the Legislature to act and pass legislation that requires “plugging assurance” in the form of single well “plugging” bonds or the deposit of money now for future plugging into escrow. WV-SORO will soon have this Orphan Well Prevention Act legislation introduced and push for its passage this year. We can't wait any longer. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsOrphaned wellsPollutionWater
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