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WVSORO submits comments on proposed Marcellus Shale “Guidance”
Blog WVSORO April 20, 2009
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Issues: DEPMarcellus shale
WVSORO Surface Owners’ News – Under the Dome 2009
Newsletter WVSORO March 9, 2009
Surface Owners’ Bill of Rights Introduced in the Senate; House Version Expected Soon More
Issues: LegislationOil and Gas
The West Virginia Surface Owners’ Bill of Rights
Blog WVSORO March 2, 2009
West Virginia’s current surface owner protection laws were first enacted 1983. These were few and ineffective. Surface owners were given only 15 days’ notice before the drilling commences, with no options for input about what parts of their property will be taken by the operators. More
Issues: Horizontal wellsOil and GasPipelinesWater
WVSORO Surface Owners’ News – Winter 2009
Newsletter WVSORO February 10, 2009
Legislative Study Committee Hears from Landowners, Industry | Tawney Gas Royalties Case Settled, New Leases Allow Companies to Deduct Expenses More
Issues: LeasingLegislationOil and Gas
What is the “Marcellus Shale”?
Resource Gallery WVSORO February 5, 2009
Basic information form the West Virginia Geologic and Economic Survey. More
Issues: Marcellus shale
Gas Well Drilling Brine Challenges Water Treatment Plants
News WVSORO December 14, 2008
A growing volume of brine from natural gas drilling and production is posing a challenge for municipal wastewater treatment plants. The new waste stream can be a financial boon for plants that have spare capacity. But at high volumes it can harm plant function -- and water quality. More
Issues: Drilling wasteOil and GasWater
Pennsylvania discloses frac fluids. What’s in that fracking fluid?
NewsWater Advice WVSORO December 12, 2008
It’s something many people in the Upper Delaware region want to know: What's in that fracking fluid? More
Issues: FrackingWater
Chesapeake Continues Activity With $3.37 Billion Statoil Deal
News WVSORO November 11, 2008
Chesapeake Energy on Tuesday announced the latest in a series of deals to raise funds and find partners to develop its natural-gas holdings, getting as much as $3.37 billion from Norway's StatoilHydro. More
Issues: Marcellus shale
Pictures of the Marcellus Shale formation outcrop
Misc Gallery WVSORO November 10, 2008
In most places in West Virginia the Marcellus Shale is thousands of feet under the ground. In the ridge and valley province of the Appalachian mountains, the rock strata buckled when Africa and North America collided eons ago. More
Issues: Marcellus shale
WVSORO Surface Owners’ News – September/October 2008
Newsletter WVSORO October 28, 2008
WV SORO Appeals Ruling on Spacing for Gas Wells Spacing Needed to Protect Landowners | WV SORO Presents Your Concerns to Legislators | Building Momentum Toward a Bill of Rights More
Issues: LeasingLegislationOil and Gas
Explanation of the Importance Of the “West Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual” To Surface Owners.
Blog WVSORO October 25, 2008
Technically the Manual presents “best management practices”. But according to the Manual, “These [best management] practices are required” by the State. More
Issues: LeasingMinerals-RoyaltiesOil and Gas
Northern Wayne County Community Association to Host Meeting on Oil & Gas Drilling and Surface Owners’ Rights
Press Release WVSORO October 14, 2008
The Northern Wayne County Community Association will be hosting a meeting on surface owners' rights and legislative options for expanding surface owner protections in West Virginia on Tuesday, October 28 More
Issues: Oil and Gas
Educational Meeting on Oil & Gas Leasing Set for October 30 in Doddridge County
Press Release WVSORO October 14, 2008
Local organizers for the WV Surface Owners’ Rights Organization (WV SORO) have planned an educational meeting on oil & gas leasing at the Doddridge County Park for Thursday, October 30, 2008 starting at 6:30 PM. More
Issues: Oil and Gas
WV State agency for enforcing oil and gas drilling laws
Blog WVSORO September 30, 2008
Information on Filing a Complaint with the DEP Office of Oil & Gas. You may also file complaints and report suspicious activity to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Emergency spills and other pollution should be reported immediately by calling 1-800-642-3074. More
Issues: DEPEPAOil and Gas
Landowners’ group appeals state agency ruling on spacing for gas wells
Press Release WVSORO July 25, 2008
Spacing needed to protect interests of investors, mineral and surface owners More
Issues: Well Spacing
Chesapeake Energy says shale leasehold costs are rising sharply
News WVSORO June 20, 2008
Leasing costs in three of the US' largest natural gas shale plays have risen sharply over the last several months as more companies seek to lock up acreage, independent Chesapeake Energy said Friday. More
Issues: Leasing
Companies bidding for gas rights made $3.9B. Heavy hitters pin hopes on massive ‘Marcellus’
News WVSORO June 1, 2008
More than $100 million -- and counting -- is changing hands for drilling rights to the Marcellus Shale under the Southern Tier. Landowners on the receiving end might see it as a lifetime windfall, but it's another day at work for the multibillion-dollar energy companies looking for access to a massive natural gas reserve. More
Issues: LeasingOil and Gas
DEP Orders Partial Shutdown of Two Natural Gas Drilling Operations in Lycoming County
News WVSORO May 30, 2008
The Department of Environmental Protection today ordered two natural gas drilling companies to suspend a portion of their operations at separate sites in Lycoming County for violating Pennsylvania’s Clean Streams Law. More
Issues: Leasing
Mapping Drilling Activity in West Virginia, And Getting Info on the Wells.
Map WVSORO May 29, 2008
To easily find and view oil and gas well locations throughout West Virginia, go to EnviroMap Explorer on the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection web site. More
Issues: DEPMinerals-RoyaltiesOil and Gas
Minerals/Royalty Owner Info
Leasing / Amendment Advice WVSORO May 23, 2008
Someone came and wants me to sign a lease to the oil and gas and other minerals under my land. What should I do?

Issues: Leasing
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