Posts by WVSORO


449 posts found, showing 20 per page

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WVSORO’S Position Regarding the Legislature’s Need to Act Due To DEP’s Non-Response to Horizontal Well Act Studies
Document WVSORO September 25, 2015
The Horizontal Well Act passed in December, 2011. As the bill passed through the Legislature surface owners complained about the limited protections given to surface owners. One of the biggest complaints of surface owners during passage was the limited "setback" from people's homes. More
Issues: DEPHorizontal wellsLegislation
Comments Needed on Noise from Compressor Stations Sept. 1 & 14: August 7, 2015
Updates and Alerts WVSORO August 29, 2015
The DEP Division of Air Quality (DAQ) is considering issuing a revised "general permit" for air quality at compressor stations (G35-C). There are downsides to general permits, which we detailed in our recent newsletter. More
Issues: NoisePipelines
Notice of Intent to Sue
Document WVSORO August 26, 2015
Notice of Intent to Sue for Violation of Nondiscretionary Duties under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act with respect to Wastes Associated with the Exploration, Development, or Production of Oil and Gas More
Issues: Drilling wasteOil and Gas
WV Citizens Join National Groups Filing Notice of Intent to Sue EPA Over Dangerous Drilling and Fracking Waste
Press Release WVSORO August 26, 2015
A coalition of environmental organizations filed a legal notice with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today demanding regulations to stop oil and gas companies from dumping drilling and fracking waste in ways that threaten public health and the environment. More
Issues: Drilling wasteEPAOil and Gas
WV Landowners Win Injunction to Bar Pipeline Surveyors
Updates and Alerts WVSORO August 7, 2015
Earlier this week, Monroe County Circuit Court Robert Judge Irons issued an injunction barring surveyors for the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline from entering the Brian and Doris McCurdy's property without their consent. More
Issues: PipelinesPooling
Plat (map) of a smaller horizontal drilling project
DocumentMap WVSORO July 25, 2015
From a permit application in West Virgina in which the horizontal bore goes more in just two directions. More
Issues: Coal bed methaneHorizontal wells
An operator just uses a form to apply for a Coal Bed Methane well to be covered by the general permit
Document WVSORO July 25, 2015
If the water meets the parameters, the general permit is extended to that particular well. More
Issues: Coal bed methaneOil and Gas
About “Coal Bed Methane”
Coal Bed Methane Advice WVSORO July 25, 2015
Coal Bed Methane is a methane gas that is “adsorbed” into coal by the pressure of water in coal seams deeper than 100 feet or so. More
Issues: Coal bed methaneOil and Gas
General permit” for the disposal of produced water from wells
Document WVSORO July 25, 2015
The permit allows for disposal of the water by treating it and then by simply spraying it onto the surface of the land (with new surface owner consent). More
Issues: Coal bed methane
WVSORO Surface Owners’ News – Summer 2015
Newsletter WVSORO July 6, 2015
WV-SORO's Take on Forced Pooling Legislation and Its Fate | WV-SORO, Other Organizations Comment on New Air General Permit | Pipeline Companies Threaten, Sue Landowners for Survey Access More
Issues: PipelinesPollutionPoolingWater
Summer 2015 Edition of Surface Owners’ News Available
Updates and Alerts WVSORO July 6, 2015
WV-SORO members should be receiving the Summer 2015 edition of our newsletter, Surface Owners' News, in the mail soon. More
Issues: LegislationNuisance suitsOil and GasPooling
Legislative Wrap-Up and Update
Updates and Alerts WVSORO April 9, 2015
WV-SORO's Take on the 2015 Forced Pooling Legislation and Its Fate More
Issues: Horizontal wellsPooling
Tell Delegates Not to Weaken Water Protections
Updates and Alerts WVSORO March 5, 2015
After a long, frustrating and complicated stakeholder process -- a process that led to confusion among our friends in the legislature about how environmental and citizen groups felt about the bill that resulted -- the WV State Senate voted overwhelmingly to amend the Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Act. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Drinking Water Protections, Aboveground Storage Tank Act Under Attack
Updates and Alerts WVSORO February 24, 2015
There are only three weeks left in the 2015 Legislative Session and we wanted to make you aware (if you haven't heard about them already in the news or from other sources) of several bills related to oil and gas development that are working their way through the process. More
Issues: Marcellus shalePollutionPoolingWater
Orphaned Well “Oil and Gas Reclamation Fund” Activity
Document WVSORO February 10, 2015
Orphaned1 Well "Oil and Gas Reclamation Fund (#3322)" Activity More
Issues: LegislationOrphaned wellsReclamation fund
Pipeline Community Meetings & Open Houses Scheduled
Updates and Alerts WVSORO January 14, 2015
Please join the Greenbrier River Watershed Association this Saturday, January 17 at 2PM at Jackson's Mill (West Virginia Building) near Weston, WV for an update on the proposed Mountain Valley, Appalachian Connector and Atlantic Coast Pipelines. More
Issues: Pipelines
Upcoming Events and Webinars Presented by the Penn State Cooperative Extension
Blog WVSORO December 15, 2014
View upcoming Events and Webinars Presented by the Penn State Cooperative Extension. Archived presentations are available here More
Issues: Oil and Gas
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