Posts by WVSORO


449 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Orphaned Well Prevention Act Fact Sheet
Document WVSORO February 15, 2019
The pace of the most widespread property rights and environmental disaster ever in West Virginia is exploding. The Legislature needs to act now & pass the “Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act” (SB 576 & HB 3065)! Read our fact sheet to learn more about why this legislation is needed. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsOrphaned wellsPollutionWater
Legislation Introduced To Stop More Wells from Being Orphaned By Diversified, Other Drillers
Press Release WVSORO February 12, 2019
The “Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act” was introduced on this week on behalf of the West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization (WV-SORO). The legislation would require what are calling “plugging assurance” in order to prevent more oil and gas wells from being orphaned. Many drillers have already gone out of business leaving more than 4,500 wells orphaned with no driller to plug them, and the orphaned well crisis continue to grow unless the Legislature takes action. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsOrphaned wellsPollutionWater
Report: WV Shale Development Falls Short of Economic Promise
Blog WVSORO February 7, 2019
A new report from the WV Center on Budget and Policy has found that the nearly six-fold increase in West Virginia’s natural gas production in the last decade, due largely to shale development, or fracking, has fallen short of expectations for economic growth, job creation, and tax revenue generation.  More
Issues: FrackingHorizontal wellsMarcellus shale
Plugging Assurance Legislation Needed to Stop More Wells from Being Orphaned by Diversified and Other Drillers
Press Release WVSORO January 18, 2019
One of the most widespread environmental and property rights disasters ever is now unfolding because West Virginia law allows drillers’ to use “blanket” performance bonds. It’s time for the Legislature to act and pass legislation that requires “plugging assurance” in the form of single well “plugging” bonds or the deposit of money now for future plugging into escrow. WV-SORO will soon have this Orphan Well Prevention Act legislation introduced and push for its passage this year. We can't wait any longer. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsOrphaned wellsPollutionWater
WV-SORO seeks hearing to convince DEP not to transfer plugging duty for 17,000 oil and gas wells
Press Release WVSORO November 20, 2018
WV-SORO is publicly urging the DEP to grant our hearing request so we can give the DEP evidence that the transfer of wells by EQT and others to Diversified is a constructive fraud on the surface owners and mineral owners of West Virginia, and that the transfers should not be approved.  Approval of these transfers will pave the way for one of the most, if not the most, widespread environmental and property rights disasters ever in West Virginia, and it is preventable by not approving the transfers and leaving the cost of plugging with the companies that can afford to do so. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsOrphaned wellsPollutionReclamation fundWater
We’re Hiring; NARO Town Halls
Updates and Alerts WVSORO November 1, 2018
WV-SORO is hiring a part-time Outreach Coordinator to engage with and provide support to our membership and others dealing with oil and gas development on their land and in their communities. Details here. Also the National Association of Royalty Owners is hosting a series of town hall meeting for WV mineral owners, including a Q&A with experts on legal and policy issues affecting royalty owners in WV. More
Issues: FrackingLegislationMinerals-RoyaltiesOil and Gas
WV-SORO Outreach Coordinator Position Description
Document WVSORO November 1, 2018
The WV Surface Owners’ Rights Organization (WV-SORO) seeks a part-time Outreach Coordinator (40-80 hours/month) to plan, manage, and execute the organization’s membership maintenance and support, communications, and outreach, including management of the membership database and website; composing and sending email updates and action alerts; press outreach; creation of a newsletter; and event planning and coordinating. See full job description and qualifications here.  More
Is There a Orphan Well on Your Land? Tell Us About It!
Updates and Alerts WVSORO October 9, 2018
WV-SORO is involved in several approaches to getting the industry to plug the 12,000 wells on surface owners’ land that have stopped producing. We would like some examples of those wells on your land to use in our approaches. If you have an “orphaned” well on your land that has been out of production for many years, we would like to hear from you. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsOrphaned wellsWater
What are oil and gas wells’ “API” numbers? How to find them and use them to get info on wells.
Advice WVSORO October 2, 2018
To find information about a particular oil or gas well (or to talk to agencies or others about it) it is best if you have the well’s API number. The API number (short for American Petroleum Institute number). It is like a well’s social security number. More
Issues: Oil and Gas
Map of some pipelines
Pipeline Advice WVSORO September 25, 2018
The U.S. Department of Transportation which regulates pipeline safety has a web site with a map of where many interstate and some other pipelines are located. It does not include gathering lines owned by well drillers, or residential/commercial service distribution lines. More
Issues: Pipelines
Don’t Sell Your Surface Land in Horizontal/Shale Drilling Country!
Aquiring Mineral Rights Under Your LandSelling Land / Surface Owners Advice WVSORO August 2, 2018
Under the new 2018 Cotenancy statute, and even under an older statute that oil and gas well drillers sometimes use, surface owners could end up owning an interest in the oil and gas minerals under their surface tract! More
Issues: Minerals-Royalties
A well pad is going to be put near my house, and the driller is willing to buy me out. How much should I get?
Pads and Other Disturbance Advice WVSORO August 1, 2018
This page assumes you are the owner of the surface tract NEXT DOOR to the surface tract where the well pad is being placed. This page only applies to you if you are NOT the owner of the surface tract where the well pad is located (or significant disturbance actually occurs). More
Issues: Well pads
A driller is putting a well pad near my house/land. What can I do about it?
Pads and Other Disturbance Advice WVSORO August 1, 2018
When the driller files for a permit from the State Department of Environmental Protection, you can comment on certain aspects of it. Watch the paper for notices. Or call the DEP and ask if a permit application has been received yet. More
Issues: NoiseWell pads
West Virginia’s 2018 mineral cotenancy statute is takes effect
Press Release WVSORO June 24, 2018
The Co-tenancy Modernization and Majority Protection Act which passed the 2018 West Virginia Legislature took effect June 3, 2018.  It made big changes in oil and gas leasing and surface owners’ rights. Most importantly, if the driller is using the 2018 co-tenancy statute to drill a well, then the well pad and roads, etc. needed to drill that well cannot be placed on a surface owner’s land without the surface owner's consent! Additionally, the Act will definitely affect negotiations of leases from all mineral owners. WV-SORO has added two new pages to our website to help surface and mineral owners better understand the new law and what to do if they are affected. More
Issues: Horizontal wellsLeasingMinerals-RoyaltiesPooling
Co-Tenancy Law Now in Effect; WVU Research Project Seeks to Interview Landowners
Updates and Alerts WVSORO June 8, 2018
Earlier this week, the “Co-Tenancy Moderation and Majority Protection Act” enacted during the 2018 legislative session, went into effect. WV-SORO has added two new pages to our website to help surface and mineral owners better understand the new law and what to do if they are affected. We've also provided a brief update on some court cases we've benn involved in or monitoring that affect West Virginia surface owners and some mineral owners. Finally, we wanted to let you know about a WVU research project seeking to interview landowners to better understand their experiences with natural gas extraction near their homes and in their communities. More
Issues: FrackingHorizontal wellsLand useMinerals-RoyaltiesNuisance suitsPooling
The 2018 Cotenancy Law (HB 4268) Does Good Things for Surface Owners
AdviceWV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO June 6, 2018
The 2018 cotenancy statute has significant benefits for surface owner. Most importantly, if the driller is using the 2018 cotenancy statute to drill a well, then the well pad and roads, etc. needed to drill that well cannot be placed on a surface owner’s land without the surface owner's consent! If you are a surface owner read this post to learn more about how the new cotenancy law affects you. More
Issues: Fence-line monitoringHorizontal wellsLand re-unionLand useOrphaned wellsPipelines
What the 2018 Cotenancy Law (HB 4268) Means for WV Mineral Owners/Leasing
Leasing / Amendment Advice WVSORO June 6, 2018
This web page explains the expected change in leasing dynamics that will occur after the 2018 cotenancy statute takes effect and the provisions  of the statute. More
Issues: Horizontal wellsLeasingMinerals-RoyaltiesPooling
Memo on Legislative Intent to Require Surface Owner Consent
Document WVSORO May 10, 2018
Memo showing that Legislature intended to require surface owner consent if the 2018 co-tenancy statute is used to drill into/develop not only the mineral tract directly under the surface tract, but to drill longer horizontal well bores into/to develop any other neighboring mineral tract.  More
Issues: Horizontal wellsLand useLegislation
2018 Co-tenancy Statute Showing Changes from Current Law
Document WVSORO May 9, 2018
The "enrolled" version of HB 4268 is the final version of the bill with the text that will be placed in code books but it does not show the changes to the law made by the 2018 co-tenancy statute. This version underscores new code language, strikes through deleted language, and includes a table of contents. More
Issues: Horizontal wellsLegislationOrphaned wellsPooling
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