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When commenting on a permit for a new nearby gas well, especially a horizontal well, maybe you should comment on existing gas wells in the area
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update don_alejandro August 1, 2011
If there are existing gas wells close to where they are proposing to drill the new gas well, especially if the new well is a horizontal gas well, then there is one way in which the frac fluid could work its way out of the target formation being fraced for the new well and into your ground water. More
Issues: DEPHorizontal wells
See Chapter 9 of the West Virginia Surface Owner’s Guide to Oil and Gas
Buying Land Advice WVSORO July 15, 2011
We have one additional piece of advice since the publication of the Guide. You can use two state web sites to try to find if there are any wells near you and what their condition is. More
Issues: DEPOil and Gas
Look for springs when commenting on well site locations!
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO July 7, 2011
If the well site is constructed over a spring, the water coming out of the spring will destabilize the site. More
Issues: DEPOil and GasWater
Outline of Legal Theories for Representation by Lawyers of Surface Owners/Small Mineral Owners
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO June 13, 2011
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Issues: LeasingOil and Gas
Coalition opposing Dominion pipeline across West Virginia
Pipeline Advice WVSORO May 24, 2011
The Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance (ABRA) is a coalition of organizations concerned about the natural gas pipeline that Dominion Resources and its partner companies have proposed to build through portions of West Virginia and Virginia. More
Issues: Pipelines
There are gathering pipelines around me leaking gas. What can I do?
Gas Leaks AdvicePipeline Advice WVSORO May 15, 2011
It is illegal for a gas well owner to let gas leak from their wells or from their “gathering” lines that transport the gas from their wells to market. It is a violation of West Virginia Code §22-6-31. More
Issues: PipelinesPollution
Info on Gathering Pipelines
Pipeline Advice WVSORO March 31, 2011
"Gathering" pipelines start at the wellhead and join with other gathering pipelines to become bigger gathering pipeline that go to treatment facilities and eventually end up connecting to "transmission" lines that take the gas to market. The drillers do not have the right to "condemn" or use "eminent domain" for gathering lines. More
Issues: Eminent domainPipelines
Are there other rules the driller has to follow regarding the gatherlines to my well, during permitting or afterwards?
DocumentPipeline Advice WVSORO March 3, 2011
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Issues: Pipelines
Free Gas, and IRS Form 1099 and IRS Form W-9, and Federal Income Taxation.
Free Gas Advice WVSORO August 17, 2010
WVSORO has heard that the IRS has given a gas company a ruling that it does not have to give 1099's for free gas. This may mean that the IRS has determined that it is not "income" for surface owners income tax purposes. More
Issues: Oil and Gas
Dawson Geophysical wants permission to do seismic testing on my land! What should I do?
Seismic and Geophysical Advice WVSORO June 30, 2010
Dawson Geophysical has been contracted/authorized by at least Chesapeake Energy, and perhaps other gas producers in the area, to conduct both 2D (two dimensional) testing in a straight line, and 3D (three dimensional) testing over 80 square miles of southern Upshur and a bit of Randolph and Lewis counties. More
Issues: Oil and GasSeismic testing
WVSORO article on the need to change real estate transaction documents
Buying Land Advice WVSORO June 28, 2010
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Information for Oil and Gas Well Access Roads
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO June 2, 2010
Drillers can drill wells using access roads that are wide enough for two tractor trailers to pass each other going in opposite directions, or they can drill wells using single lane roads with occasional wide spot pull-offs or landings for trucks to pass by each other. More
Issues: Roads
Different explanation of frac fluids
DocumentWater Advice WVSORO May 20, 2010
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Issues: FrackingWater
Knowing and Protecting Your Rights When an Interstate Gas Pipeline Comes to Your Community 
Pipeline Advice WVSORO May 17, 2010
A Legal and Practical Guide for States, Local Government Units, Non-Governmental Organizations and Landowners On How the FERC Pipeline Certification Process Works and How You Can Participate More
Issues: Pipelines
Drill water wells as a strategy to protect your rights as a surface owner
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO May 5, 2010
Drillers are, under the common law, only supposed to do what is "reasonably necessary" to the surface to get their minerals out -- giving "due regard to" and "accommodating" the surface owner's uses. It is supposed to be a balance. Drillers have many advantages they can use to tilt the balance their way. More
Issues: Horizontal wellsOil and GasWater
Information Regarding Connecting to “Free Gas”
Free Gas Advice WVSORO September 4, 2009
Use black gas, not water, pipeline It costs 36¢ per foot cents for 1 inch, and 50¢ per foot for 1 and 1/4 inch. My source recommended the larger 1 and 1/4. More
Issues: Oil and Gas
What about Hydrogen Sulfide or “sour gas”?
Gas Leaks Advice WVSORO August 28, 2009
Hydrogen Sulfide, also known as "H2S", or "sour gas", is sometimes included with the conventional natural gas that comes out of gas wells in West Virginia. More
Issues: Oil and GasPollution
I want to find out what is in the water they use to “frac” a wells when they put it down and when it flows back. Is there a way I can do that?
Water Advice WVSORO August 24, 2009
Material Safety Data Sheets: One Possible Source of Information About Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing More
Issues: FrackingPollutionWater
There is a large, Olympic swimming pool sized, pond being built on/next to my land to drill a gas well. Is there any danger from that?
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO August 23, 2009
While we have not heard of any of these ponds breaching, there have been a large number of slips in the impoundment walls where the impoundments have been built up on hills or mountains out of the valley. More
Issues: Drilling wasteFrackingLand use
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