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Surface Owners’ Responses to the Myths and Distortions Put Out by the Industry On the Dangers of Marcellus Shale Horizontal Drilling
Blog WVSORO November 7, 2011
Serious environmental concerns, plus concerns about abuses of surface owners are a result of Marcellus Shale horizontal drilling More
Issues: Horizontal wellsMarcellus shale
The experience of one landowner in Upshur County who signed a permit
Seismic and Geophysical Advice WVSORO October 20, 2011
Dawson did put the GPS for my animals in the helicopter navigation computers. However, at least twice they were headed my way, spotted me out doors, then changed course. They still come within a 100 feet horizontally of the animals but they will not fly directly over, unless no one is looking. More
Issues: NoiseSeismic testing
ION or some other company wants to do seismic testing on my land.  What should I do?
Seismic and Geophysical Advice WVSORO October 19, 2011
WVSORO first was asked about 3D seismic surveys in early 2010 when Chesapeake Energy hired Dawson Geophysical to do seismic testing there. It was a learning process for us. More
Issues: Seismic testing
WVSORO Surface Owners’ News – Fall 2011
Newsletter WVSORO October 4, 2011
Also see Earthworks Factsheet: Epa Hydraulic Fracturing Air Pollution Rules – Talking Points & Background Marcellus Shale Committee Making Progress on New Drilling Regulations, but Surface Owners’ Issues Remain Unaddressed | DEP Accepting Comments on Horizontal Drilling Rules More
Issues: DEPHorizontal wellsMarcellus shalePollution
How Can I Get Ownership, Or a Chance at Ownership, Of the Minerals Under My Land?
Aquiring Mineral Rights Under Your LandBuying Land AdviceWV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO September 20, 2011
If you own the surface but not the minerals it is a very, very good idea to try to get ownership of the minerals. Even if the ownership of the minerals is divided up (often times in what people call “heirship”) and you can only get ownership of a fraction of the minerals, it is a very good idea to do that. More
Issues: LeasingOil and Gas
Breathing air near compressors, wells etc.
Gas Leaks Advice WVSORO September 10, 2011
Have you been smelling odors from, or just been living near, production facilities such as gas wells and compressors? Have you been having medical problems, like bloody noses, headaches or trouble breathing? More
Issues: Oil and GasPollution
A gas company wants me to sign an amendment to an old lease! I own the surface and the minerals. Should I sign it?
Leasing / Amendment Advice WVSORO September 1, 2011
This article is only for people who own both the surface and all or part of the minerals of a tract of property. More
Issues: LeasingOil and Gas
Top 10 Tips for Surface Owners Before/When the Oil and Gas Driller Shows Up
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO August 15, 2011
1. Get ready now! The driller will send you a copy of his drilling permit application with the well site and access roads already selected and surveyed less than 15 days before the permit can issue. More
Issues: LeasingOil and Gas
When commenting on a permit for a new nearby gas well, especially a horizontal well, maybe you should comment on existing gas wells in the area
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update don_alejandro August 1, 2011
If there are existing gas wells close to where they are proposing to drill the new gas well, especially if the new well is a horizontal gas well, then there is one way in which the frac fluid could work its way out of the target formation being fraced for the new well and into your ground water. More
Issues: DEPHorizontal wells
See Chapter 9 of the West Virginia Surface Owner’s Guide to Oil and Gas
Buying Land Advice WVSORO July 15, 2011
We have one additional piece of advice since the publication of the Guide. You can use two state web sites to try to find if there are any wells near you and what their condition is. More
Issues: DEPOil and Gas
Look for springs when commenting on well site locations!
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO July 7, 2011
If the well site is constructed over a spring, the water coming out of the spring will destabilize the site. More
Issues: DEPOil and GasWater
Outline of Legal Theories for Representation by Lawyers of Surface Owners/Small Mineral Owners
WV Surface Owners' Guide Update WVSORO June 13, 2011
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Issues: LeasingOil and Gas
Coalition opposing Dominion pipeline across West Virginia
Pipeline Advice WVSORO May 24, 2011
The Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance (ABRA) is a coalition of organizations concerned about the natural gas pipeline that Dominion Resources and its partner companies have proposed to build through portions of West Virginia and Virginia. More
Issues: Pipelines
There are gathering pipelines around me leaking gas. What can I do?
Gas Leaks AdvicePipeline Advice WVSORO May 15, 2011
It is illegal for a gas well owner to let gas leak from their wells or from their “gathering” lines that transport the gas from their wells to market. It is a violation of West Virginia Code §22-6-31. More
Issues: PipelinesPollution
WVSORO Surface Owners’ News – Spring 2011
Newsletter WVSORO March 31, 2011
House Committee Holds Hearing on Marcellus Shale Drilling | Legislature Fails to Address Drilling Concerns | Water Testing Before Drilling Starts: Why and How More
Issues: LeasingMarcellus shaleWater
Info on Gathering Pipelines
Pipeline Advice WVSORO March 31, 2011
"Gathering" pipelines start at the wellhead and join with other gathering pipelines to become bigger gathering pipeline that go to treatment facilities and eventually end up connecting to "transmission" lines that take the gas to market. The drillers do not have the right to "condemn" or use "eminent domain" for gathering lines. More
Issues: Eminent domainPipelines
Surface Owners, Environmental Council Urge Special Session on Marcellus Drilling
Press Release WVSORO March 13, 2011
The lack of action taken by the House and the Senate to pass an effective and responsible bill to help regulate Marcellus Shale drilling, has the WV Surface Owners’ Rights Organization (WV-SORO), the WV Environmental Council and others urging Acting Governor Earl Ray Tomblin to call a special session to address environmental and other concerns related Marcellus Shale development. More
Issues: LegislationMarcellus shale
Marcellus Shale Bills: What’s in them (and What’s not)?
Blog WVSORO January 31, 2011
There will be at least two comprehensive proposals regulating Marcellus Shale for the legislature to consider this session. More
Issues: LegislationMarcellus shale
Marcellus Shale Bills: What’s in them (and What’s not)?
Blog WVSORO January 31, 2011
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Issues: LegislationMarcellus shale
The industrialization of rural West Virginia caused by the Marcellus Shale gas play
Resource Gallery WVSORO December 12, 2010
A few years ago, Marcellus Shale gas was unrecoverable, and West Virginia was a relative backwater in the oil and gas industry. The new techniques of high-volume hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have made a sea change in all of that. More
Issues: Marcellus shaleRural industrialization
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